In this post I'll show about the settings window & it's contents.And it is as below.
In settings there are 5 categories of settings. Those are as below,
- Commands
- Configurations
- Automation
- Mp3 Organizing
- Theme
There is a separate tab for each category.Now I'll show you about the first setting category and it is commands.
Voice Commands.
In this category what it does is managing all the commands which use to operate this application.
Now I'll show you how to insert , update & delete the existing commands & custom commands.
1.How to open & close the installed applications in the computer
To do this first we need to select the programs(0) option.Then we need to type the command which we like to use in commands(4) field.And if we want any respond from the application whenever we gives the following command , we need to type the preferred respond in response(5) field.Then we need to select the application location which we want to open by clicking the select(7) button.After all the settings are placed ,we need to insert the command to the database by clicking the save(9) button.
That is for open an application , & if we want to close an application we have to do the same process, but we need to add "close" phrase in front of the command.
Now I'll demonstrate this by using an example.
Assume we need to open Microsoft Word application by voice command.And this is how to do it.
- Select the programs option
- I'll use "open ms word" as the command
- I'll use "opening microsoft word" as the respond
- Click the select button & give the location of winword.exe file , it is in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office12\WINWORD.EXE"
- Click the save button
And for closing the word application ,
- Select the programs option
- I'll use "close ms word" as the command
- I'll use "closing microsoft word" as the respond
- Click the select button & give the location of winword.exe file , it is in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office12\WINWORD.EXE"
- Click the save button
2.How to open a website
To do this first we need to select the website(2) option.Then we need to type the command which we like to use in commands(4) field.And if we want any respond from the application whenever we gives the following command , we need to type the preferred respond in response(5) field.Then we need to type the web link of the site in location field(6). After all the settings are placed ,we need to insert the command to the database by clicking the save(9) button.
Now I'll demonstrate this by using an example.
Assume we need to go to Facebook by voice command.And this is how to do it.
- Select the website option
- I'll use "open facebook" as the command
- I'll use "opening facebook" as the respond
- Typing the facebook address in loaction filed as ""
- Click the save button
3.How to open folders which are in the computer
To do this first we need to select the directories(1) option.Then we need to type the command which we like to use in commands(4) field.And if we want any respond from the application whenever we gives the following command , we need to type the preferred respond in response(5) field.Then we need to select the folder by clicking the select(7) button. After all the settings are placed ,we need to insert the command to the database by clicking the save(9) button.
Now I'll demonstrate this by using an example.
Assume we need to open movies folder by voice command.And this is how to do it.
- Select the directories option
- I'll use "open movies folder" as the command
- I'll use "as your wish sir" as the respond
- select the folder by clicking select button
- Click the save button
4.How to make a small conversation with the application
To do this first we need to select the social(3) option.Then we need to type the command which we like to use in commands(4) field.And we need to type the proffered respond in response(5) field. After all the settings are placed ,we need to insert the command to the database by clicking the save(9) button.
Now I'll demonstrate this by using an example.
Assume we need to ask simple question from the system.And this is how to do it.
- Select the social option
- I'll use "how are you" as the command
- I'll use "i am fine thank you sir" as the respond
- Click the save button
Then when we ask as "how are you" , the application responds with "i am fine thank you sir".
5.How to delete an existing command
To do this we need to type the existing command in command(4) field.Then click the delete(10) button.
6.How to manage system default commands
To do this we need to click the System Commands(8) button.Then it will open another window as below image.
In here we can replace the system default commands with custom commands.Then we have to save individual commands by clicking the respective save button.
Below video will show how to do the commands management.
In next post I'll show you about the General Configurations part in the settings.